“Circumplast device has completely eliminated any risks involved with proximal migration of the device due to the cylindrical design. The glans of the penis is kept completely covered by the device which prevents could prevent meatal stenosis in the future. Circumplast is unique in its ability to allow for multiple locations in which the surgeon may secure the ligature which was not possible in the case of Plastibell. The proximal lip of the device helps to cut the inner mucosal skin very close to the coronal sulcus. This also prevents future adhesion of the inner mucosal skin to the glans of the penis and gives a better cosmetic appearance. Due to these reasons, I have been using Circumplast device for the last 12 months with excellent results.”   ARK (Paediatric Surgeon, London)


“I am so thankful to Circumplast and QCC for my child’s circumcision. I initially chose the plastibell because it is the most commonly used ring in the world. The surgeon during my child’s consult noticed that my child naturally had less foreskin and had I insisted on plastibell would result in my child having a tight and smaller penis. The surgeon initially tried to attach the plastibell  to demonstrate but it kept slipping off so he insisted on the circumplast and refused to use the plastibell on the grounds of patient care. The plastibell is rigid and doesn’t allow the surgeon enough flexibility to make a tie anywhere along the ring which the circumplast allows. I thank God I didn’t go to a GP or non-urologist surgeon for my son’s circumcision, its unthinkable how they would have pulled on the rest of my child’s skin to get the plastibell to sit.”   See more patient testimonials “What Adult Patients and Parents Say About Us”


“As the lead consultant surgeon urologist for QCC, I have worked with both Plastibell and Circumplast rings and I would like to outline the differences between two products.”

“Both devices are considered ring procedures. The plastibell (left) is an older ring which contains one groove for suture placement (Red Arrow). This effectively means a fixed amount of inner skin is preserved each time. Additionally if bleeding is occurring inside the ring, we cannot apply diathermy as the ring has an overlapping edge. This necessitates ring removal. In contrast, the circumplast (right) is a newer design and has multiple groves for suture placement (Black Arrows) and so varying amounts of skin can be removed and greater preservation of inner skin. Due to the open nature of the ring, diathermy can be applied to the frenulum if it is bleeding. The manufacturers data also reports that there is no risk of inward migration with the circumplast, which does occur with the plastibell. ” (QCC, 2017)

All services are by appointments only. For dates and appointments or for further information visit our “Pricing and Bookings” Page or alternatively call 07954858060 to speak to our friendly staff. We are experiencing a high level of demand for our circumcisions services and advise early bookings to avoid lengthy waiting lists.